Lava had launched a new Smartphone named as Xolo B700. The Xolo B700 is a low-priced budget smartphone. It is the first phone of the new B-series of Lava smartphones.
The phone has a battery which is of 3450 mAh. It has a big standby time which make this Smartphone a unique and trend setter.
Lava Xolo B700 Specs:
- 4.3 inch Screen display with 540 x 960 pixel quality
- It Comes with a android Ice Cream Sandwich OS
- It has SGX 531 GPU PowerVR
- 512MB RAM,
- It has 4GB internal memory and can be extended up to 32GB external memory
- 5 Mega pixel primary camera with auto focus and 0.3Mega pixel secondary camera.
- 3450 mAh battery