Opera 10 cutting-edge come with new technology named as Unite. This New function allows you to set up a Unite network with your machine as a server so that your friends and family gets authenticated access to shared files through URLs.

How this unite network can be done?

*  To do this you have to create a free account with Opera.

*  You are given a URL preceded by your computer name. If you call you machine userxx, the URL will be http://userxx.username.operaunite.com.

*  The application can be used to share anything from simple files to a media player.

*  It also has applications like Fridge which act as a pin board where you can leave messages for friends and Document Courier which lets you upload a file to your PC from anywhere.

*  It can even double as a live messenger.

*  You also have the option of making your shared files public or password protected, but I would have loved it to have multiple usernames and passwords.

*  Opera’s Notes feature would have ability to attach the notes to specific websites.

*  Also users have to configure their email in Opera or use a webmail service such as Yandex, Fastmail, OperaMail or Mail.ru to send the notes to a friend.

*  As UPNP is enabled by default on most routers, there is no need to change setting to get this feature to work.

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