LG Recently launched Ice Cream phone in India. LG Company has announced the launch of its latest clamshell handset, KF350, also known as the LG Ice Cream phone in India. LG KF350(Ice Cream phone) Priced at Rs 7,949 in india
LG KF350(Ice Cream phone) is available in White-rosy, Blue and Pistachio colors.
Features of LG KF350(Ice Cream phone):
- * It has a 2.2-inch QVGA, TFT display capable of displaying 262K colors.
- * It also comes with an external LED Matrix display that can display the time and other notifications.
- * This mobile phone has 3 megapixel camera.
- * It has QVGA video recording, FM Radio and a full-fledged music player.
- * It has 25MB of internal memory that can be increased to 2GB using a microSD card.
- * Connectivity options include WAP 2.0/xHTML, HTML browser, Bluetooth and microUSB. EDGE over GPRS is also supported.
- * The 800 mAH battery phone supports a 5-hour talk time and a standby time of up to 350 hours.
LG KF350(Ice Cream phone) is targeted and will launched to mark the International Women’s Day falling on March 8.