The 4G wireless technology gearing up for a widespread rollout by Verizon. As of March, there were more than 41 network operators launching trials or commercial launches of HSPA+ networks.

Reports are out that 132 networks have reported trials or plans to launch LTE commercially this year. Verizon has also hinted at LTE handsets by mid-2011. HTC interested in launch of the Evo 4G Android phone for Sprint. There are actually more trials of WiMAX networks 188 underway today. And that number is only expected to grow in 2011.

If this technology proves successful then we could see several WiMAX operators migrate to the LTE standard. It is also mentioned that with the 4G battle plays out, 3G networks should not be ignored.

7 thoughts on “Pros of 4G wireless technology Vs WiMAX”
  1. Just to let you know your site looks a little bit weird in Firefox on my office computer Linux .

  2. Wimax will actually provide more bandwidth and service on the congested cellular frequencies.

  3. […] Tech Blizz » Blog Archive » Pros of 4G wireless technology Vs WiMAX […]

  4. As ordinary consumers from developing country, I'm questioning the benefit of those technology. Is it will lower the current gadget's price?

    I'm saying that advanced technology should make us more easier to use as well as affordable to most of us.

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