Google has introducted a complete redesign for its social network, which now boasts social networking experience.
The new look design to Google Plus had been rolled out to all users today. User can view only the new look design in Google Plus.

The look of the news stream is also updated. The photos are full bleed and posts are now shown in conversation cards that are better at separating each post.

google-plus-new look
Google plus New Look

The new Google Plus is more functional and flexible. Google also introducted a new concept Instead of static icons at the top Google has created a dynamic ribbon of applications on the left, on which users can drag apps up or down.

Now there is a new Hangouts page, which is more accessible. As Google moved the feature into its own app in the navigation ribbon. The page acts as a destination where you can find all hangouts currently in progress.

It actually looks pretty good and easier to work on.

One thought on “Google’s new look re-design of Google Plus +”
  1. this new look of google plus is really nice,but where is the "whats hot" portion.

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