Next Generation Technology
Next Generation Technology

The next generation technology is Google Glass. The Google Glass is the whole new gadget and most expected gadget in this modern world. It can perform various day to day tasks through voice command.

Google Glass will show you text messages as well as emails you receive and allow you to reply to them. The device will provide appropriate replies on the small screen in front of your eye through voice commands instead of fingers touching a display screen of today’s Smartphone.

Some of the features are:

  • It gives you alternate routes if there is traffic on the way
  • It give you weather updates periodically
  • The glasses include a tiny display screen attached to a rim above the right eye
  • Google Glass will make it easier for people to take pictures or record video live and share the video live to friends through social networking site.
  • The Google Glass features built-in camera, microphone and speaker technology and wireless connections.
  • Another new and better features is, Google Glass translate a phrase or sentence from one language to another and speak that out to you.