Samsung had launched the Samsung Galaxy Gear smart watch. The design of Samsung Galaxy Gear smart watch is awesome. It comes with a 800 MHz Dual-core Processor and 1.63 inch (41.4mm) Super AMOLED (320 x 320) display. It has 4GB Internal memory + 512 MB (RAM). It comes with a 1.9 Megapixel BSI Sensor, Auto Focus Camera with HD(720p) Playback & Recording Audio.
Samsung Galaxy Gear smart watch comes with Featured Apps and other general used apps such as S Voice, Memographer, Voice Memo, Find My Device, Media Controller, etc.
Samsung Galaxy Gear smart watch:
- 800 MHz Dual-core Processer
- 1.63 inch (41.4mm) Super AMOLED (320 x 320) Display.
- 4GB Internal memory + 512 MB (RAM)
- 1.9 Megapixel BSI Sensor, Auto Focus Camera / Sound & Shot
- HD(720p) Playback & Recording Audio
- Samsung Apps
- Bluetooth v 4.0 Sensor
- Smart Relay, S Voice, Memographer, Voice Memo, Find My Device, Media Controller, Pedometer, Stopwatch, Timer Apps are available
- Standard battery, Li-ion 315mAh