Samsung Company had launched a new series of feature phones under the new brand name Rex. Samsung Rex 70 and Samsung Rex 80 have more are less similar features as Samsung Rex 80. Samsung Rex 80 has 3.2 mp rear camera and wifi.
The all-new Samsung Rex 70 has a 3-inch touchscreen and has two sim cards slot. This phone sports a 3.2MP camera on the back and has connectivity features like Bluetooth 3.0 and microUSB 2.0.
Samsung Rex 80 also features dual-sim capability, 3-inch touchscreen, 3MP camera .
Both the phone is Powered by a 1,000mAh battery. This Samsung Rex 80 phone has connectivity features like 3G, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
Samsung Rex 70 Specs:
A dual-sim phone
3-inch touchscreen
3.2MP rear camera
It has microSD support up to 16GB
It has Bluetooth 3.0 and microUSB 2.0
1,000mAh battery
Samsung Rex 80 Specs:
A dual-sim phone
3-inch touchscreen
3.2MP rear camera
It has microSD support up to 16GB
It has wifi, Bluetooth 3.0 and microUSB 2.0
1,000mAh battery