HP a PC maker, on Friday launched its new range of All-in-One PCs, which is based on touch technology. HP new range of All-in-One PCs combines the monitor and CPU and the result is a powerful, sleek and elegant desktop.
HP has also introduced multi-touch computing for consumers with the introduction of HP TouchSmart300 All-in-One Desktop PC.
HP India Country Manager (Consumer Desktop PCs) Ketan Patel said in a statement that from touch to entertainment and multimedia, HP continues to showcase its technology innovation and leadership.
The HP TouchSmart300 PC and HP TouchSmart600 PC feature enhanced multi-touch technology, including gestures such as pinch, rotate, arc, flick, press and drag, enabling users to move, modify and share all digital content with natural and intuitive movements.
The HP Pavilion MS200, which is the company’s first non-touch consumer all-in-one desktop PC, is priced at Rs 36,990. The All-in-One PCs HP TouchSmart300 PC and HP TouchSmart600 PC are priced at Rs 59,990 and Rs 89,990 respectively.