Sony had Announced Optimally Designed Sony Tablet with Android 3.0 Complements. Sony Tablet delivers the perfect combination of hardware, content and network with seamless usability for a highquality, engaging entertainment experience.

S2 has two 5.5inch displays that can be folded for easy portability . Sony redefines what tablets can look like with the S2 which has two screens and folds closed. The S2 tablet however, is quite different and reminds of the Nintendo DS.

It has two screens and folds closed. Both of the screens are 5.5 inches diagonally. It has dual front and back cameras. You can use the screens together or separately. You can rotate the S2 and use the dual screens to read ebooks on the two screens.


Feature of S2 tablet:

  • Two 5.5 inch touchscreen displays
  • Bravia technology
  • Android 3.0 software
  • Wifi, 3g/4G access
  • Front and back cameras
  • Curved design for comfort