Samsung had launched the Galaxy Core a mid-tier Smartphone. Samsung Galaxy Core phone has Dual-SIM (GSM + GSM) facility. The phone features a beautiful 4.3-Inch touchscreen display. Samsung Galaxy Core Smartphone is powered by a Dual-Core 1.2GHz processor.
Samsung Galaxy Core device runs Android v4.1.2 (Jelly Bean). The phone features a brilliant 5 megapixel camera. The Galaxy Core is lighter, smaller and more pocket able. The Samsung Galaxy Core has a pixel density of 217ppi, Imagery on the handset is well defined and sharp.
Samsung Galaxy Core has 8 GB of internal storage
Specs of Samsung Galaxy Core:
- Android v4.1.2 (Jelly Bean)
- Dual-SIM (GSM + GSM)
- 4.3-Inch touchscreen display
- 5 megapixel rear camera and VGA front camera.
- Dual-core 1.2 GHz Cortex-A5 Processor
- 8 GB internal storage and can be expandable upto 32 GB, 1 GB RAM
- 1800 mAh battery