The latest report has placed emphasis on the Mobile Search arena where Google still rules the roost. However, there are minor aberrations in specific and linguistically isolated countries like China and Russia, where other search engines like Yandex and Baidu compete head on with Google.
Opera on latest report shows us Mobile Search Shows Rapid Growth. The report consists of a monthly analysis of the trends followed by the users of Opera Mini, Opera’s light weight browser for mobile phones. Other interesting statistics include the fact that Opera Mini now commands a 24.5 million strong user base. This translates to an increase of 8.4 percent over the previous month and 136 percent year on year. All these users generated over 9.6 billion page views. This is a 27 percent increase over the data from May 2008. The traffic too has seen an upsurge with a phenomenal 245 percent growth.
The total data generated by accessing all this content has been pegged at 160 million MB. As most of you might be aware, for faster browsing, Opera Mini servers compress data before transmitting them to your phone. So, in effect, 1.5 Petabytes of data have been served by the Opera Mini servers over the past month.
Indian Opera Mini users seem to like Nokia’s 5130c a lot! That, in fact, happened to be the most used handset from which users have accessed the web using Opera Mini. Others in the top five position include the Nokia N70, n73, 3110C and the Nokia 6300. The only non-Nokia phone to make it to the list is the Sony Ericsson W200i.
India has moved up the rank of countries when it comes to the usage of Opera Mini. India has pushed Ukraine down by a spot. In fact, India has seen a huge 531 percent growth in the number of page views since May 2008. In terms of unique users, the growth is still impressive at 128.9 percent. The top five sites accessed by Indian users include Google, Orkut, Gmail Yahoo and Rediff.