Photon TV allows the users to watch live television on their laptops while on the move. Tata Teleservices has launched this service which will enable the users to use Photon TV service on their PCs at home and on the move. Even the subscribers can also avail the service from their offices.
Photon TV has three subscription models such as Rs. 5 per channel per month, Rs. 29 per month for My Combo and Rs. 75 per month for all the channels. The Photon TV will also provide recorded shows and music to the user. The regional channels can also be picked up through this service. Entertainment channels will also find it easier to reach to more users through this Photon TV service.
The laptop-based video-streaming application will help the Tata Photon Plus users to enjoy programmes from a wide discipline including sports, news, movies and live shows.
oh cool, this information is really useful and definately is comment worthy! hehe. I’ll see if I can try to use some of this information for my own blog. Thanks!