As Last year Google acquired mobile display advertising firm AdMob, display ad company Teracent, and CAPTCHA test company reCaptcha and this year, Google has acquired visual search company Plink, purchased iPhone e-mail app ReMail, photo-editing site Picnik, and platform services company Episodic. Now a latest small acquisition of Google is Labpixies.

Labpixies said that the acquisition is an opportunity to learn from each other to bring more apps to users, help developers and improve the overall developer ecosystem.

Labpixies was one of the first companies to create gadget for iGoogle back in 2005. Labpixies to create a truly personalized online experience and develop fun widgets that people find useful every day. It has made and launch number of global OpenSocial based gadgets. Now The Labpixies team will be work based in Google’s Tel Aviv office and will focus on iGoogle efforts across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa

One thought on “Another small acquisition by Google: Labpixies”
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