The search giant is believed to be working with Sony and Intel to develop a Google TV. Google TV has built a prototype set-top box in an effort to provide a better way for people to surf the web through their televisions.
This Google’s new device Google TV could also be built into TVs and other devices such as Blu-ray players. The Google TV would allow people to watch their TV channels but also have better access to the internet, search, social networking sites, YouTube videos and online games. Google has begun testing the set-top box technology though Dish Network, a satellite TV provider.
Now there is news that these companies are working with Logitech, to build a remote control and small keyboard for the system. However this project has been in development for several months, but none of the companies involved will comment publicly.
Certainly, Google has their businesses in many different industries, such as telecommunications and publishing. The vast majority of its revenue still comes from search-related advertising.