Softaculous Replaced Fantastico

When it comes to Cpanel, Fantastico has been the most popular form of auto installing WordPress. The new software Softaculous has replaced Fantastico providing more software for automatic installation and upgrade.

There are more New features are available including a user-feedback rating system, software demonstrations, and more.

Softaculous currently offers 131 applications and scripts for quick, easy installation. With Softaculous you can able to automatically install WordPress MU.

Softaculous is best as compare to Fantastico but its little confussing for new clients who just registered hosting account. I think Softaculous need some time to undterstand for new clients.

WordPress apps for Nokia Phones

WordPress bloggers having Nokia devices should be able to publish and manage their blogs straight from their handsets. WordPress is an open source blog package, which offers users all the necessary tools they need to come up with.

This WordPress app is extraordinary when it comes to performance, especially on latest Symbian3 devices. Its unbelievably fast and responsive to commands.

The WordPress app has publishing interface, which is similar to what user find at the traditional web interface including the ability to add photos and GPS location tags to your posts. And on the admin side you can review new comments and monitor your blog statistics wherever you are.

Enjoy your blogging on the go through WordPress app

Features of Windows Phone 7 smartphone OS

Microsoft believes that Windows Phone 7’s unique user interface will help differentiate it in a crowded marketplace. Microsoft’s first advertisements for the platform focus on its supposed ability to streamline and speed users interactions with their phone.

Microsoft’s offering aggregates Web content and applications into subject-specific such as Office and People. The making of this software is fully optimized to run with manufacturers phone hardware.

Windows Phone 7 will prevent Microsoft from continuing to lose market-traction in Smartphone’s. The Launch of updated operating systems such as Apple iOS 4, BlackBerry OS 6, Symbian 3 and Symbian 4, and Windows Phone 7 will help maintain strong growth in smartphones in coming years.

Windows Mobile, presumably groups the legacy Windows Mobile with Windows Phone 7 and any successive versions, will grow from 6.8 percent to 9.8 percent of the smartphone market during that period. The smartphone OS market will remain fragmented but healthy for the foreseeable future.

Search Engine gaint Google has announced the details about Google TV Launch

The Search Engine gaint Google has announced the details about Google TV. Google claimed that the Google TV is a new platform that will blend TV and the internet into a seamless entertainment experience. Google TV system will also include an open-source platform that will enable developers to create widgets for the system. Google has also signed up a raft of content partners for Google TV to offer premium programmes and web services. Web content partners include the New York Times Co, Pandora Media Inc and Inc’s. NBC will provide CNBC Real-Time, an application that combines stock information and financial news. HBO will contribute a service called HBO GO, which lets users access shows on-demand. It provides a new way to sell advertising, which makes up most of revenue.

Google TV uses the web browser Google Chrome and enable the users to search through web, watch videos, Flash-based games and applications and other unlimited funs. Google TV include opening up the living rooms and enable new innovation from content creators, programmers, developers and advertisers. It is based on Android operating system and co-developed by Google, Intel, Sony and Logitech.

Windows Live Spaces to have WordPress platform

Windows Live Spaces to have WordPress platform. WordPress collaborated with Microsoft to offer WordPress as the new default blogging platform on Windows Live Spaces.

Windows Live Spaces based bloggers soon will migrate their blogs to WordPress. The new users would be offered to create their blogs on WordPress.

To make Windows Live Spaces to migrate their blogs to WordPress micrsoft created a brand new importer for Windows Live Spaces to WordPress. Microsoft added support for Messenger Connect as a Publicize option that enables you to automatically share updates to your blog with your friends who use Windows Live Messenger.

Google Android software vs Nokia Symbian software

Google, the world’s No. 1 Internet search engine, making the transition to mobile phones by Google Android software

At a small span of time Google Android software has become the world’s second most popular operating system for cell phones.

Mobile phone software has become a prime battleground for technology companies, as consumers increasingly use their phones to access the Internet, listen to digital music and play video games.

The less-expensive Android devices making a clear cut to Nokia’s Symbian software. Todat there are more than 200,000 Android phones, from companies including Motorola Inc, HTC Corp and Samsung Electronics, are sold every day

But Nokia has struggled to deliver a high-end smart phone to compete with the likes of the Apple iPhone or devices based on Google’s Android.

Nokia’s Symbian software, which has reigned as the top mobile operating system for years will need to put fight to maintain its position in today’s market.

Cloud Computing In India makes steady rise

The cloud computing platform is expected to mainly benefit enterprise small and medium business, small office, home office and consumer segments.

Cloud computing, which is Internet-based, facilitates sharing of technological resources, software and digital information. The emerging field would function on a pay-per-use model, helping technology companies to bring down cost. Cloud computing is a platform where software applications and related resources can be shared online.

A recent study, said that rising growth in the digital information space would create a significant market opportunity for both the cloud computing and storage. Digital information in India will grow from 40,000 petabytes to 2.3 million petabytes. Reports also states that India’s cloud computing market will be around USD 1 billion over the next five years.

Google Chrome 6 features

The Newly improved version.Google Chrome 6.0.472.53 has been released to the stable Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Some of the enhancement made by Google in chrome 6 are Updated UI, Form Autofill, Syncing of extensions and Autofill data and Increased speed and stability

Nice features about chrome 6 is, it includes a new green padlock icon in the URL bar to indicate you’re on a secure HTTPS connection, and a less-cluttered new tab page that serves as your starting point for new browsing windows.

A new menu has been designed which has a line up of all the Page Options, like Cut, Copy and Paste. Zooming in and out is now neater than before as there is an addition of plus and minus buttons. Chrome 6 detaches the Reload button from its URL bar. In addition, Reload and Stop buttons are combined into one.

Tools menu has gone under a total make over with the inclusion of lots of new options. The new Java Script speed lead and an already trim design. Built-in PDF support and vastly improved printing, better syncing, cleaned up interface. Google Chrome 6.0.472.53 has celebrated its second birthday in style.

Microsoft to unveil IE9 beta version on September 15

Microsoft hopes IE9’s clinch the standards will help arrest IE’s dropping market share of recent years.

IE9 will be the most standards-compatible version of IE in Microsoft’s history. Thanks to HTML5. Support for HTML5 has been expanded to include HTML5 video and audio elements, 2D graphics using the highly-anticipated Canvas element, and there’s support for embedded fonts using Web Open Font Format (WOFF).

IE9 has something for building and delivering rich graphics and internet applications using web standards and fast, hardware-accelerated rendering. IE9 will also run Google’s open sourced WebM video codec plus the closed and proprietary H.264 from Microsoft, Apple, and others. IE9 also features a new script engine, Chakra that uses hardware to boost performance to within 50 milliseconds of Safari, Opera, and Chrome on Sun Spider benchmarks.

The beta version of IE9 will be finally unveiled on September 15.